Level Music Beginnings
A Great Multitude That No One Could Number
In 2015 we began to ask the question, "What does worship on earth look like from God's perspective?". You see, by answering this question it became obvious to us that our perspective on worship was a bit narrow, formed mostly by our own experience. But as we pondered more on the question, it became clear to us that worship, in the global sense, is very different; it is beautifully diverse. Around the world there are groups of Christians gathering to sing songs to their God and Creator, to Jesus Christ. These songs differ in melody, in language, in instrumentation, in movement and color and sound. When God sees His children worshiping it is diverse, and it is beautiful. In Revelation 7 we read that those who are worshiping God in heaven were of a great multitude beyond counting, and were from every nation, all tribes and peoples and languages. Often our lens needs cleaned up a bit to see the whole picture. It is from this premise that Level Music began as a prayer, then a conversation, and into what it is today. We exist to inspire global worship, build bridges between communities of worship, and unite the international family of God through song.